Saturday, October 23, 2010

Reading Notes for 10/25

The article by Jeff Tyson was really interesting.  It was a simplified explanation of how to understand the web.  It described the internet as a large, expansive, and ever-growing network of networks.  It was also interesting to hear that no one person really owns the internet.  Which makes it all the more fascinating that the largest moneymaker is not owned by a single entity, but held by all of us.

The article by Andre K Pace was a little hard for me to understand.  That was until I looked up the definition for ILS on Wikipedia and realized that it was the everyday system used for circulation and organization of materials in libraries.  I have used both Millennium and Voyager in previous library jobs.  And like most people find both to not be user friendly.  I can see why the concept of the homegrown or the opensource alternative is so tantalizing.  The ability to modify and change the lack of user-friendly capabilities is important.  I think if libraries paid more money for the products, as the author mentions, we could see some real changes for the better.  Or as the article stipulates (toward the end) we should  dismantle and rebuild our ILS systems.

The Sergey Brin and Larry Page video was funny and nice to watch.  It was also interesting to hear from Larry Page about their advertising structure.  How Google does not gain profit from having people pay to have their search result put first, but that they specifically denote pertinent advertising to what you searched.  This is how they make their money.  I think that concept makes for a better business model as people can trust you.  When people search on Google they know that the options they are receiving are based on mathematically based algorithms not who has deeper pockets.

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