Wednesday, September 1, 2010

LIS 2600 WK 1

1.)  One aspect of the first article on the OCLC report that I found interesting was the discussion of the huge boom of cheap mobile devices in third world countries, especially India.  The article discusses the significance of people being connected and being able to pass information.  In a TED talk by Shashi Tharoor, he discusses the vital importance of being in these connected relationships.  He also discusses how this "affordable mobile" boom has helped improve the lives of many of the poorer people. He talks about  a change of personal and business infrastructure.  Where fisherman who have caught their fish can call all the market towns along the coastline to see who is in need of fish instead of going to each town. For the workers who iron clothes for a living they use their cell phones as a main means of communication.   This is because incoming calls are free and also they have a means to find where they need to take their cart for a job.  Tharoor states, that this boom is helping people, especially the poorer classes, to link, empower, and connect in ways never before imagined.    

2.) I agree with the second articles author, Clifford Lynch, regarding the importance of elementary education as a means to introduce children to an holistic information technology base and thereby move them forward in life.  Because if we cannot do it there, then where else can we engage our future generation?  I agree also that information literacy is important for the future and that it should be accompanied with a greater understanding of the the infrastructure, history and, construction of the IT world.   The more an individual can understand and work with different types of online products, software and, hardware the more set he or she will be in this increasingly technology oriented world.  With new products and and newer versions of current products, the next generation must be able to handle the complications or problems and mold technology to fit their purpose.  

3.) One concept the author of the third article,  mentioned was the significance of the utilization of space.  Where his staff would do a "walk through" to assess other places to place computers, rearrange furniture, check for lighting, and sockets.  I think it is very important to keep in mind the use of space.  Students need to have an appropriate quiet place to study and have access to information.  And in a library that can be hindered by aspects like bad lighting, no outlets, slow computers, uncomfortable furniture, and study rooms in noisy areas.  Utilization of the space should not only be economically savvy and user friendly but, a welcoming and inviting environment in which individuals can cultivate their mind.  In summary, the arrangement of space can inhibit learning and intellectual growth or it can foster it.  If done correctly, it can make a library fulfill it's definition as a place to access information and to learn.    


  1. Priya, I agree that space must be well-planned in a library. Many people are turned off by a negative atmosphere. If possible, libraries should have a variety of spaces for study and interaction: bright, large rooms with tables for gatherings; quiet, comfortable places for independent work; comfortable temperature. Librarians want patrons to think of the library as a "third home" (after home and school/work) where they want to go for their needs.

    Kristen Huth

  2. I agree with you, that teaching children not only different programs but the technology behind it is crucial to their success in the future. The earlier a person uses technology in their everyday life, the less overwhelming it will be to learn new systems as technology continues to advance. It is also interesting to read about how cell phones have improved the lives of many in developing countries, especially for those who don't have adequate transportation, they can save themselves the time of going to various markets and call ahead of time to see where their products are needed.
